Limousines are interesting vehicles. These long, luxurious vehicles are an object of mystery and intrigue for many. Used mainly by the more affluent to get around town, or high schoolers on prom night, limousines are vehicles that everyone has something to say about.

The majority of people don’t actually own one. Most limousines these days are owned by fleet companies that rent them out to their customers. These fleets churn through limousines, and are often the main demographic of people looking for limousine auto transport services.

Many times, those old limousines are bought by or sold to auction houses to turn around and see cheap. Either that, or they’re scrapped. Some used dealerships will have limousines as well, but most of the time they come from auctions or from other private sellers. So, a lot of people that buy a limousine need it transported. This is where limousine auto transport services come into play.

We understand how limousine shipping works and what it takes to get it done. In this article, we’ll explain how it works, how it differs from shipping a regular car, and what you can expect when shipping your limousine. Also, we’ll cover how you can get a quote from us and start your shipment today.

How limousine shipping service works?

Shipping a limousine, really, works the same as shipping any other vehicle. You find a shipping company you like, book your shipment, and they find a carrier that can haul it for you.

Of course, there are some things to know about limousines and limousine auto transport aside from the fact it’s available. For instance, limousines, by virtue of their length, can be more expensive to transport. Many will take up two spaces on a transport truck instead of just the one that a normal car takes up.

Most standard vehicles only take up one space on a car transport trailer. So, prices for a single vehicle tend to reflect that. Vehicles that take up multiple spaces have to pay more. This is because that second space the large vehicle encroaches on won’t be used by another vehicle. And this in turn means that the carrier can’t get paid for a car in that space.

So if your limousine is going on a ten-car hauler, the carrier would only be able to fit the limo plus eight others. This is because the limo takes up two spaces. So the limousine is going to cost more to ship along the route than a vehicle that only takes up one space.

How to save money on your limousine auto transport?

One of the best ways to save money on your limousine auto transport services is to be honest about your limo. Many people who ship limousines understand they’re expensive to ship, but many don’t know why. So they ask for quotes and don’t mention it’s a limousine in order to get a lower price.

The issue with this, though, is that the vehicle gets dispatched and the carriers shows up to see it’s a limousine. And they aren’t going to take a limousine at the price of a standard vehicle because it takes up too much space. When this happens, the carrier has the final say over how much more they need to ship it. This can end up costing hundreds more than it should have if the carrier had been informed ahead of time.

When you misrepresent a vehicle, it ends up costing more in the long run. Being up-front and honest with what you’re shipping will go a long way. That kind of honesty makes it easier to price your shipment right. Not only that, but it makes it easier to find the right carrier for you. Knowing exactly what kind of limousine it is and how long it is makes it easier to find carriers at competitive rates. So if you’re trying to ship a limousine and save money, just be honest about your vehicle. It’s that easy.

What to expect when shipping a limousine?

Because of their size, it can be more difficult to find a carrier willing to take it. If the price is right, though, that difficulty drops a bit, which is great. But you should expect it to take a few days to find a hauler even if the price is a good one. This is because most carriers just don’t like moving limousines if they can help it. They’re big, they’re bulky, they take up a lot of space. But they take up not quite enough space for two full cars, so they end up having a bit extra regardless.

Most carriers don’t have an issue with this. But for some it can actually cause problems with securing the vehicles in place. It depends on the configuration of the trailer, but some trailers may not be able to even take limousines because of the way they secure vehicles. Carriers will simply go past the limousine on the board because they just can’t secure it properly.

Usually, though, limousines are moved by hot shot carriers that move 1-3 cars at a time. They’re a lot easier for them to handle as opposed to the big ten-car haulers. Not only that, but they usually pay pretty well for those wedge trailers that can only move 1-3 cars at a time. Really, though, you should expect it to move in the same amount of time as a standard car on the route. It depends on the size of the limousine, of course, and the more information you can give to your shipper about it, the faster they can get it moved usually.

Interested? Let's get in touch!

For limousine transport services, contact American Auto Shipping.

Dave Armstrong
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